Hicks Ditch Community Development District Adopted Budget FY2025 1 2 - 4 Table of Contents General Fund General Fund Narrative Proposed Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 7/T3h1r/u24 2 MNeoxntt hs P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2ed4 AFBYduo2dp0gt2ee5dt Revenues Developer Contributions $ 136,998 $ 25,514 $ 16,379 $ 41,894 $ 149,498 Total Revenues $ 136,998 $ 25,514 $ 16,379 $ 41,894 $ 149,498 Expenditures General & Administrative Supervisor Fees 12,000 $ 800 $ 2,000 $ 2,800 $ 12,000 $ Fica Expense 918 $ 61 $ 153 $ 214 $ 918 $ Engineering 15,000 $ 250 $ 1,500 $ 1,750 $ 15,000 $ Attorney 25,000 $ 1,677 $ 2,348 $ 4,025 $ 25,000 $ Annual Audit 5,000 $ 3,200 $ - $ 3,200 $ 5,000 $ Assessment Administration 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ Arbitrage 450 $ - $ - $ - $ 450 $ Dissemination 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ Trustee Fees 4,100 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,100 $ Management Fees 37,100 $ 15,625 $ 3,125 $ 18,750 $ 40,000 $ Information Technology 1,800 $ 1,500 $ 300 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 $ Website Maintenance 1,200 $ 1,000 $ 200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ Telephone 100 $ - $ 50 $ 50 $ 100 $ Postage & Delivery 1,000 $ 65 $ 75 $ 140 $ 1,000 $ Insurance 6,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,500 $ Printing & Binding 1,000 $ 9 $ 50 $ 59 $ 1,000 $ Legal Advertising 12,750 $ 650 $ 1,500 $ 2,150 $ 12,750 $ Contingency 2,500 $ 384 $ 110 $ 494 $ 2,500 $ Office Supplies 300 $ 1 $ 35 $ 36 $ 300 $ Travel Per Diem 605 $ - $ 50 $ 50 $ 605 $ Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 $ 175 $ - $ 175 $ 175 $ Total Administrative 136,998 $ 30,398 $ 11,496 $ 41,894 $ 139,398 $ Operation and Maintenance Field Expenditures Contingency - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,100 $ Total Field Expenditures - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,100 $ Total O&M Expenditures: - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,100 $ Total Expenditures 136,998 $ 30,398 $ 11,496 $ 41,894 $ 149,498 $ Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) - $ (4,883) $ 4,883 $ - $ (0) $ Hicks Ditch Community Development District General Fund 1 Hicks Ditch Community Development District General Fund Narrative Revenues: Developer Contributions The District will enter into a funding agreement with the Developer to fund the General Fund Year. expenditures for the Fiscal Expenditures: General & Administrative: Supervisor Fees pCahiadp ttoe re 1a9ch0 ,S Fulpoerirdvais Sotra ftourte tsh,e a ltliomwes d feovro etaecdh t Boo Dairsdtr micet mbubseirn etos sr eacnedi vme e$e2t0in0g ps.e r meeting, not to exceed $4,800 per year FICA Expense Represents the Employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from Board of Supervisors checks. Engineering MTmhaoenn Dathgisleytrr .b icota'sr de nmgieneeteinrg ws,i lrle bveie pwro ivnivdoinicge sg eannedr avla ernioguins eperroinjegc tsse ravsi cdeirse tcot ethde b Dyi tshtrei cBto, ea.rgd. aotft eSnudpaenrcveis aonrsd apnrdep tahrea Dtioisntr fiocrt Attorney aTpnrhedep tDahriesa ttDriioicsntt' rfsio clret mgMaeal enctaoinguegnrss.,e pl,r eKpuatraakt iRoonc akn LdL rPe,v wieiwll boef apgrroeveimdienngt sg,e rneesroalul lteiognasl ,s eetrcv. iacse ds itroe cttheed D biys ttrhiec tB, oe.agr. da totfe Snudpaenrcvei saonrds ATnhne uDails tAruicdti tis required by Florida Statutes to arrange for an independent audit of its financial records on an annual basis. wATshisteeh sDisnim sttherneict Dt A widstimrllii ccntoi.s nttrraatciot nto levy and administer the collection of non-ad valorem assessment on all assessable property ATRrhebbei atDrteais gLteriai Fcbtei elwist iyll ocno nittsr abcotn wdsit ahn adn a innyd eoptheenrd aenntti cciepratitfeiedd b pounbdl iiscs aucacnocuen. t ant to annually calculate the District’s Arbitrage DaTdhisdesi etDmioisinntarailtc ritoe inps o Frreeteqinsu gir reedq buyir ethmee Snetcsu froirt yu nanradt eEdx cbhoanndg ies sCuoems.m ission to comply with Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) which relates to 2 Hicks Ditch Community Development District General Fund Narrative TT rhues Dteies tFreicets will pay annual trustee fees for the proposed bonds. Management Fees tTGrhoaven esDrcnirsimtprteiicnottn ar leo cfM ebaiovnaearsgd Me mmaeneenatgti neSmgesre,v naitdc,e mAs-icnCcieosnutrtnratatiilnv gFe l aosenrirddv aiAc, deLmsL, Cibn.u iTsdthgreeat t sipverere vspiecarervsai tciineocsnl ,ua asdl lep faibnrutat no acf riaae l Mnreoaptn oalrigmtesim, taeendnn ttu oAa, lg rareeucedomirtdsei,n netgt cw a. intdh IsaRnecefrcpovorriumecnesaetsit,nn iotcgsnl os cTouoefdstc twhss natroroeerlloa,a gtgtaeeybd ls eteotrs vt fhiocere sDm iaesnterdtiic ntsg’essr ,i vnAefdroosr,bm epa,o tMsioiitncivr soeys soptfaetym O sifmf, iwcpehl,e iemcthce inntcaltuiodne bauntd a rper ongorta lmimmitiendg tfoo rv ifdreaou dc opnrfeorteecntciionng, Website Maintenance pm w Reeearpbifnrosetiratsmeien nabintnasccg ekt th uahepse ss cDe,o seisssttctmsr. iewcnti’ttssh ,w sGeeocbvuseirrtienty mc areennadtt afeildr eM iwna analcal cgmoeramdineatnnetcn eSa ewnrcivetih,c u eCpsh d–aa pCtteeesnr, td1roa8cl9 uF, mFloleornirdtid au,a pL SlLotCaadt ausst, eshoso.c sTitahitneegsd ea w nsdeitr hdv oimcmeoasn iinint orcelruinndegew asaniltsde, Telephone Telephone and fax machine. Postage & Delivery The District incurs charges for mailing of Board meeting agenda packages, overnight deliveries, correspondence, etc. Insurance The District’s general liability and public official’s liability insurance coverages. Printing & Binding Printing and Binding agenda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, envelopes, etc. Legal Advertising gTehnee Draisl tcriircctu isla rteioqnu.i red to advertise various notices for monthly Board meetings, public hearings, etc. in a newspaper of C Boanntki ncgheanrcgye s and any other miscellaneous expenses incurred during the year. Office Supplies cAlnipys s, uetpcp. lies that may need to be purchased during the fiscal year, e.g., paper, minute books, file folders, labels, paper 3 Hicks Ditch Community Development District General Fund Narrative Travel Per Diem The Board of Supervisors can be reimbursed for travel expenditures related to the conducting of District business. Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions Tonhley Deixsptreincst ei su rnedqeuri trheids tcoa tpeagyo rayn f aonr nthuea lD fieset rtioc tt. he Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for $175. This is the Operations & Maintenance: Field Services Contingency iRnetpor aensye nfitesl dfu cnadtse gaollroyc.a ted to expenses that the District could incur throughout the fiscal year that do not fit 4